DYNAFREIGHT KO meeting successfully held in Brussels on 23rd November 2016
DYNAFREIGHT (Innovative technical solutions for improved train DYNAmics and operation of longer FREIGHt Trains) KO meeting was successfully held on the 23rd of November in Brussels. DYNAFREIGHT, coordinated by UNIFE, is a 20-month Shift2Rail project which includes 10 partners from 6 EU Member-states: UNIFE Lucchini RS, KTH, Politecnico di Milano, Technische Universität Berlin, Huddersfield University, ADIF, Laird Controls Europe and FIT Consulting.
DYNAFREIGHT will contribute to EU rail freight transport vision by focusing on the next generation freight bogie locomotives and on preparing the path for regular operations of long freight trains (up to 1,500m), providing the first steps for the development of TD5.5 New Freight Propulsion Concepts within Shift2Rail IP5.
During the event, partners presented the planned work and a fruitful discussion with members of the corresponding CFM project FFL4E (Future Freight Locomotive for Europe) took place, ensuring the full alignment of the two projects in terms of activities and transfer of results.